Mindful Eating Online per far pace con il cibo e con se stessi

Mindful Eating Online to make peace with food and with yourself

Have you ever heard of Conscious Eating or Mindful Eating?

As I tell in my book "We are Light" the first time I heard this term I was on the beach and my friend - Mamy Sticazzi - who is said to always have the solution for everything, and I was telling her that I wanted to find more balance because the little voices in my head sometimes came to annoy me, to tell me that I was eating too much and things like that that I fear that many of us know. But I absolutely didn't want to hear about restrictive diets, calorie counting or things that had obsessed me all my life even leading me to bulimia, stop!

So he told me about this journey that a psychologist from Finale Ligure was facing. Some time later after sifting through her Instagram profile, I met Chiara Lena.

It was a sunny day, but when she arrived, with her peaceful aura, everything lit up even more, in a way even my path!

Since I took the Mindful Eating journey - Conscious Food - with Dr. @chiaralena.psicologa I feel reborn, reconnected with myself.

It has acted on many fronts, it has helped me to get to know myself better as a person and it has changed my relationship with food (for the better).

Think I didn't even know the SENSE OF SATIETY anymore, I thought I had a broken hypothalamus and I stopped eating because I knew I had to stop, but I never really felt satisfied and full.

Now, on the other hand, I don't even have NERVOUS HUNGER anymore, I understood that it is caused by emotions and stress that I didn't know how to recognize or manage, and now thanks to Conscious Eating, to this path of introspection through Mindful Eating, I have learned to make them constructive and non-destructive.

For me, having packs of biscuits scattered around the house to draw on in the "no" moments was normal, secretly from everyone, stuffing myself trying to fill a void.

This journey has been something that has changed my life and that I want to share!

This is how Mindful Eating Online was born, a journey of 21 videos guided by her, our Light, Chiara Lena and as a side dish my and Pablito's experiences that we relive everything in first person, expressing doubts and uncertainties, getting excited and also strengthening our couple. Sharing this journey with the family can be very enriching!

Find out here.

Can you think of food without GUILT?
Thinking of eating a slice of cake during the week without necessarily running 10km or skipping the next meal or waiting for the next day or counting every calorie assiduously?

This path is based on the 7 PILLARS of MINDFULNESS then applied to food.

  1. Not judgement
    Being able to observe without judging, especially oneself.
  2. Patience
    I know, even I thought I didn't have any, I'm from everything and immediately ... but in the end it will be natural to give time for the words to enter, for the emotions to be experienced and what will a few weeks or even months be compared to a life of suffering and discomfort? Every minute towards serenity will be worth more than all the past!
  3. Beginner's mind
    According to Jon Kabat-Zinn , to grasp the richness of the present moment, we should learn to look at things as if we were seeing them for the first time…EXTRAORDINARY experience.
  4. Trust
    Trust in one's own experience and sensations, trust in ourselves and this will then facilitate trust in others. But I thought, how can I trust myself when I hurt myself so much? If I don't have control over anything…etc etc…but then everything appears clear!
  5. Don't look for results
    This doesn't mean not setting goals, but changing perspective, enjoying and living the here and now. It is an essential part in life and also in the relationship with food where diet culture has haunted us with the idea of ​​result, weight loss and ideal body.
  6. Acceptance
    Acceptance does not mean resignation or passively accepting things or giving up one's needs, but welcoming ourselves. Find out what we can do with our current being.
  7. To let go
  8. Essential.

The Mindful Eating journey that must be done calmly, learning to observe yourself without JUDGING YOURSELF, to become aware of yourself and believe me, already with the first exercises that the Psychologist offers you, you will discover things about yourself that you did not imagine!

Are you in a hurry to change your life?
Think about how much time you spent suffering and try to enjoy every breath, every thought and every gesture you'll make on this journey of reconciliation with yourself * and with food.

—> What does Food Reduction mean?
I'll tell you what it's not.
We don't talk about quantity, we don't talk about what you can or can't eat because the truth is YOUR BODY KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED, because our body divinely regulates itself.
The thoughts that Diet Culture has put in our heads play tricks on us. The day off, no pasta, desserts and pizza once a week, this so this so, leading us not to listen to what our body asks for, ignoring it and fighting it, instead of trying to get to know each other and discovering that we are EXTRAORDINARY.

One of my fears was that by leaving myself free to eat what I wanted, I would also eat "the table" (to say anything and everything)
But no slippers!
It doesn't happen!
This is because by consciously feeding ourselves, recognizing our emotions and above all THE 9 TYPES OF HUNGER, we will discover that we need many different things and that often less than we imagined will be enough.

It will all be so natural, liberating, that you will wonder why they don't teach these things instead of putting all the others in our heads!

—> Who is this path for?
FOR EVERYONE! Adults and children of all ages and shapes.
It is the ABC to get to know yourself, rediscover your tastes, find a balance.

Precisely because of the enormous benefit I had on myself, I felt that I absolutely had to find a way to make it accessible to more people (a course in the studio is extremely expensive), but at the same time maintain a valuable product.

Pablito took action to make it all happen after he too fell in love with this natural philosophy and after seeing my spiritual change towards nutrition and also learning to relate better with me when it comes to food.
Now, for example, if he sees that I eat too fast and therefore I'm distracted, I'm not really here and above all I would end up not even remembering what I had eaten, he knows what and how to tell me.
If I'm eating more than usual he asks me: Honey are you really hungry? if the answer is yes and I eat consciously he is happy because he knows I will enjoy it, if not it will be enough to ask me that question again to understand if that is really what I want and need to do.

It's not about limitations or deprivations, they don't exist, they don't serve; it's all about awareness.

—> How does the (per) course develop?
The Mindfu Eating journey in our online format consists of 21 videos of about 30/40 minutes each, Mindful audio tracks created by the psychologist Chiara Lena, exercises and workbooks.
Once you have made your purchase here or on www.sticorsi.it, within 24 hours you will receive your access codes by email info@sticorsi.it
You will thus be able to access your reserved area at any time of the day or night and for an unlimited period of time.

Our course will gradually acquire value also thanks to the contents that we will add to it which will remain free for those who have already signed up (to date there are already two!)

—> Can an online course really help me?
I myself have carried out many sessions with Chiara via Skype for my journey and the results of mental serenity that it brought me have been remarkable, also for this reason I am sure that we are offering a quality path.
Doctor Chiara Lena guides us in the exercises and philosophy of Mindful Eating, Paolo and I tell many of our experiences and also doubts that are gradually resolved by Chiara and by the experience itself.
Furthermore, in our instagram community @mindful_eating_online you can both write to us to ask us what you want and to tell your experience with the journey, because sharing is useful both for constructive comparison and because it allows us to understand that some things don't just happen to us!

What are you waiting for?
Choose to love yourself and make peace with yourself * and with food!

Go to the website www.mindfuleatingonline.it

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